Monday (Dec. 9):
- The City of Murray Human Rights Commission will not meet this month.
Tuesday (Dec. 10):
- The Calloway County Public Library Board of...
MURRAY – After whittling a pool of more than 150 candidates over the last four months, the Murray-Calloway County Hospital Board of Trustees unanimously...
MURRAY - In this morning’s special called meeting, the Murray-Calloway County Hospital Board of Trustees unanimously voted to offer the CEO position to Tonda...
Monday (Dec. 2):
The Calloway County Fire Protection District Board of Trustees will meet at 6 p.m. at Fire Station 1, 101 East Sycamore Street.
Let's hear it for independent media!! In this age of corporate media domination, independent outlets must unite. Here, at The Sentinel, we are proud...
MURRAY – Murray-Calloway County Hospital and the Regional Cancer Center announced that it has received accreditation under the American College of Surgeons (ACS) Commission...
MURRAY – In a ceremony streamed on YouTube, Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman randomly selected the 12 counties that will undergo post-election inquiries for...