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KYTC announces planned road closures in Calloway County this week (UPDATED)

UPDATE (Nov. 19): KYTC announced today that South 4th Street project has been postponed and will now start on, Monday, Dec. 9.

Today, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) announced three road closures in Calloway County that will start this week. The first is on State Line Road. The other two are on 4th Street – one on South 4th, between Poplar and Vine streets (which is expected to last through January), and the other on North 4th, between Chestnut and Main streets. See press releases below for more information.

Closure on West State Line Rd in Hazel starting on Tuesday

PADUCAH, Ky. (Nov. 18, 2024) – A contractor for the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) plans a temporary closure on KY 893/West State Line Road in Calloway County starting on Tuesday, Nov. 19.

KWT Railway Inc. will be performing maintenance on the railroad track on KY 893/West State Line Road in Hazel at mile point 18.856, just west of US 641 and west of 4th Street.

Motorists may self-detour via U.S. 641 and the new U.S. 641 S.

The repairs are expected to take about two days, weather permitting.

Map provided by KYTC

Closures on South 4th Street in Murray starting on Thursday

PADUCAH, Ky. (Nov. 18, 2024) – A contractor for the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) plans temporary closures on U.S. 641/South 4th Street to install new concrete roadway and curb and gutter starting Thursday, Nov. 21, weather permitting.

Crews will be installing concrete pavement in one block from Maple to Poplar Street. The road will be closed to through traffic. Local access will be maintained for businesses and residents. Estimated duration is 50 working days.

Along U.S. 641/South 4th Street from Poplar Street to Vine Street, crews will be installing new curb and gutter. This will only require a shoulder closure.

The work from Maple Street to Vine Street represents an investment of $636,975.

KYTC District 1 will attempt to provide timely updates on this project.

UPDATE (Nov. 19): KYTC announced today that South 4th Street project has been postponed and will now start on, Monday, Dec. 9.

Map provided by KYTC

Closures planned on North 4th Street in Murray starting Friday

PADUCAH, Ky. (Nov. 18, 2024) – A contractor for the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) plans to begin diamond grinding along the recently completed section of U.S. 641/4th Street between Chestnut Street and KY 94/Main Street, starting Friday, Nov. 22.

The road will be closed to through traffic. Local access will be maintained for businesses and residents.

Work is expected to take about four days, weather permitting. Once complete, motorists will experience a smoother ride along this roadway.

This work represents an investment of $87,000.

KYTC District 1 will attempt to provide timely updates.

Sentinel Staff

I’m Jessica Paine, founder of The Murray Sentinel. You may know me from my time as a citizen journalist, running the Calloway Covid-19 Count page on Facebook, or you may be familiar with my more recent work for another local news outlet. Being that I’m “from here,” you may have known me since I was “knee-high to a grasshopper,” although you knew me as Jessica Jones. But whether you know me or not, I’m glad you found your way here.


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